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Turning your Monero Node Into a ‘Service’



Hello again privacy fans!

Are you tired of initialising your Node manually every time you start your computer?

Do you wish there was a hands off, easy solution for restarting it when it fails?

Well, we’ve got good news for you, there is! and in this short video we’ll be explaining how.

So without any further ado, let’s get into it.


A service is a common way to describe a program that runs in the background of any Operating System (OS). Many programs run as services to make your computer use simple and stress free, probably without you even noticing.

Typically you will have something called a service manager, which takes charge and deals with these programs for you.

Today we’ll be defining some rules which will configure our service managers to both run our Monero Nodes in the background every time our PCs start and restart them when they fail.

As usual, we will be covering Linux and Windows separately, so please use the time stamps in the description to get where you want to be.


As Linux users, we often find that things are slightly more complex and time consuming to get set up.

But as always, there are advantages.

We will continue by assuming you followed our video to set up your node. If you already have your node set up via other means, please check out our video to understand how we approached things.

The first thing we’re going to do is change the directory in which our monerod folder is located.

At the moment it’s located in the home directory and we want it to be in the /opt/ directory. /opt/ aka “Option” or “Optional”, is traditionally used to hold software and programs which are run as an addition and independently of anything else.

An advantage to using using this directory is that changes require elevated privileges and therefore cannot be altered easily.

To do this, we are going to use the mv command, followed by the current directory and then /opt/.

Now that’s done, we’re going to create a new user for our system called “monerod”. Doing this means we can isolate the privileges of the service to the working folder, which is great for security amongst other things.

This next command will add the new user, create a new user group under the same name and then set the home directory to that which we just created (/opt/monerod).

Next we will change the owner of the monerod directory to match the username. This will give the monerod user the correct privileges to alter the files inside.

The command we’ll be using to do with is chown aka “change ownership” along with the R flag so that it does this recursively for all the subfolders. The final command should look something like this:

Finally we need to get on and specify the service we will be creating.

Systemd is the name of the service manager typically found in Linux distributions. And it’s within the library directory which we will need to place our config.

With your favourite text editor, you will need to create a new file. We’ll be using vim, and the following command:

We have already put together a template for you to use, which can be found on our Github page.

Simply copy and paste it into the terminal and your done! As always, double check to make sure nothing has been altered.

All that’s left to do is reload systemd, enable our new service and then start it. We can do that with the next three commands:

To check that everything is running smoothly we can use the command systemctl status monerod. If all is well, you should see that it is Active and running.

Now every time you start your PC your node will also be up and running and if it ever fails, systemd will be there to restart it.

Remember, you can always check the logs in the data directory for more detailed information.


Setting up your Windows service is quite simple as its execution has been built into the daemon.

To install the daemon as a service, first run Powershell “as administrator”. If you already have a node and used the default directory, then you only need to add the “–install-service” flag.

If you followed our guide, or set your data directory manually, you should also include the “–data-dir” flag, followed by the correct location.

Our command will look like this:

After pressing enter we can head to the Services application in Windows where we’ll now find one called “Monero Daemon”.

So that this service runs and restarts automatically, we will need to edit the configuration slightly.

Right click on the service and select Properties.

First we want to change the startup type. I’m going to select Automatic, with a delayed start. This way I know that essential services like networking start ahead of it.

The next thing we want to turn our attention to is the recovery tab. Here we can tell Windows what to do if the node fails for any reason. For each failure, I want Windows to restart the Monero Daemon so that it’s up an running as much as possible.

After making those changes, we can start the process. If you’re already running the daemon, you should stop it first.


Your Node should now be running as a Windows service.

If you’re interested to know the status of your node you can also check the logs. Our logs are located in the data directory. If for whatever reason you are unable to access your node, you should start with these.


Well there you have it. Your node is now an integrated part of your computing experience.

If you have any questions please let us know either in the comments or through one of our contact options on the about section of our website.

If you found this useful and want to send us a tip, our address can be found on screen now.

Well, that’s it from us, see you in the next one.
